A way of being, a position before life

What is Integral Coaching?

INTEGRAL COACHING is our own model that we have created, after 2 decades of research & work with teams and institutions worldwide.
It arises through the integration of more than 15 disciplines that make the understanding of the human being (among the most essential: Ontological Coaching, Spiral Dynamics, Cultural Biology, Wilber's Integral Approach, Body Coaching and Neurosciences, and including the 5 domains of human existence: body (biology) - emotionality - language (mind) - energy - spirituality.
How does it work?
Human beings obtain results (mastery of having) depending on the actions we take (mastery of doing).
And the actions we take are closely related to the way we observe ourselves and the world (domain of being).
Coaching works fundamentally in the domain of being, producing changes in the type of observer that the person is.
Once these changes were made in the person (by herself), her perspective widens, she becomes a "different observer" and has access to take different actions, achieving results never before achieved by her.
There is an ontological change in the person and their paradigms, their patterns of interpretation and analysis of things.
Interview with Guido Samelnik
"What is Coaching", Utilísima Satelital
How does the Coaching relationship develop in practice?
The Coach's commitment is to facilitate the person's Capacity for Effective Action, for which:
listen to the objectives of the coachee.
they design an action plan to achieve those goals.
watch their actions.
detects what is lacking for the achievement of results.
designs conversations to align your actions with your commitment.
assists you until you achieve the desired results.
What results can be obtained through Coaching?
In organizations in which we have worked, they have declared to have improved communication, created highly productive teams, increased sales significantly, developed organizational cultures based on trust and commitment, created a work environment of cooperation and responsibility.
On a personal level, people recognize themselves as more confident, secure, responsible, and committed.
"What really made the difference in my life, as far as coaching is concerned, was enabling me to recognize myself as a designer and creator of my own life.
This was reflected in my personal, professional and business results. THANK YOU!!!".
Rodrigo Ferrer
Director, The Blue Bubble
Why is Coaching so important today?
When we do not have the results we want we are used to seeking to learn new techniques. The techniques usually give us quick but superficial and non-lasting solutions.
When we learn and work from the ontological point of view, a profound transformation occurs in the person by which his assumptions from where he judges the world, change, giving a new space of possibilities for the creation and design of new opportunities. Deming already said it several decades ago "Nothing happens without personal transformation."
Both people and companies need to maintain high levels of performance, but have fewer resources (human, material and financial). Because of the speed of change, once we finish learning a new technique, we must start learning the next one, simply because the competition is taking a step forward.
We can change the processes, but if we do not start by changing ourselves as people, the new processes will be used by the same people, thinking the same, and the results do not change significantly. Einstein used to say: "We cannot solve problems at the same level of thought in which they were created."
Companies today prefer to make the most of their budgets by hiring coaches who work with them as "partners in action" with the daily and concrete situations, instead of buying canned trainings where the focus is on teaching new techniques and not on team learning in competencies for effective action.
How and where can you learn the skills of Coaching?
There are five different ways to learn and work with Coaching:
1- Training activities (intensive, face-to-face and virtual courses and workshops). see more
2- Training Programs (face-to-face and virtual). see more
3- Personal Coaching, hiring a Coach to work on certain specific problems and objectives to be achieved (face-to-face or virtual). see more
4- In-Company Coaching, hiring a Coach to work on certain specific problems and objectives to be achieved within the company (face-to-face or virtual). see more
5- Reading of books and specialized articles. see more
How is Coaching different from other disciplines?
Coaching is usually associated with other disciplines that, as a final result, also aim to improve the performance of the person and obtain results, but whose approach and methodologies are very different.
Mentoring: The mentor guides his apprentice on the right path. The mentor already knows the answers to the mentee's questions. It is generally reserved for the most talented employees, those who show a lot of potential, but need some help to become leaders, top employees.
As a mentor, the responsibilities are: to represent the values of the company, to motivate, to offer instructions on the political structure of the company, to influence decision makers, to assist employees and to provide contacts and resources.
Loyalty is built in a mentoring relationship.
Taking care of people makes them stay with the company for longer.
Helps to communicate the company's values.
Teaching: The teacher passes information to the student, as if this information were the only one and the truth. The focus is on teaching by the teacher and not on the student's learning process.
Consulting: The consultant gives his client advice as an expert in a specific field.
Counseling: The counselor focuses on the problems of employees, people whose bad habits have become chronic. "You have to take care of problems before they get bigger and can't be solved."
The process would be as follows:
See what the employee needs to change.
Identify the cause of the problem.
Determine specific actions to solve the problem.
Set a goal.
Reinforce correct behavior.
Training: The sports coach trains his athlete / athlete for a match in which one wins and the other loses.
Motivating: The motivator starts from the basis that people cannot, instead they can. That is why it motivates them. The "person who can't" turns for motivation, but like food, motivation lasts for a short time, and the person comes back for more motivation from the motivator. The relationship becomes dependent, on the part of the person, and extremely exhausting on the part of the motivator.
Coaching: Assists all people. When you coach an employee, improve their current skill and increase their performance to do more in the future. A Coach is committed to:
Assist people to change their ways of "being" and "doing", to increase their performance and achieve unprecedented results.
Ask incisive questions so that the coachee can observe "reality" from a new perspective and can take actions consistent with their stated objectives.
Actively listen and pay attention to verbal, body and gesture language.
Give honest feedback as a possibility for learning and change.
Pay attention to the moods in which conversations take place, considering that these predispose us to action.
Be specific, don't generalize.
Create the appropriate context for learning and action.
Empower people (to develop skills), not just motivating them by patting them on the back.
Encourage people to "stretch", to go beyond their own limits.
Involve people in decisions and action plans.
Focus criticism on actions, not on people. In this way, the person is given access to change, rather than resistance.
Who is Coaching for?
Corporate Coaching: Executives and Corporations
- Dept. HR staff who need to hire external coaches.
- CEO's, executives, managers and professionals who require the services of a coach.
- Companies that want to take a Coaching initiative.
- Companies that want to train their managers as internal coaches.
- Companies interested in Coaching workshops.
- Companies that need the accompaniment of a coach in any of these areas:
- Strategic planning, re-engineering processes; cultural change, future design.
- Creation and development of high performance teams; or 360 ° feed-back.
- Improvement of internal / external communication, corporate image.
- Develop sales teams, increase sales productivity.
Small Business Coaching: SMEs
- Entrepreneurs.
- Owners and managers of SMEs.
- Launch of new companies.
- Independent professionals.
- Entrepreneurs who work from home. (Home Business)
- Executives who are leaving their companies to launch their own business.
Life Coaching: Personal Coaching
People who want to work on any of these topics:
- Career planning.
- Personal vision and future design.
- Personal care plan.
- Development of spirituality.
- Improved relationships (friends, couples, family, etc.).
- Health and body well-being.
- Creativity.
- Financial Freedom.
- Personal leadership and time organization.
- Teens (career design)
- Removal of phobias.
Career / Transition Coaching: Career Transition Coaching
- People who are in the transition of their career.
- People who have to make an important decision about their career.
- People in corporate positions or those who are about to join.
- People with doubts whether or not to continue in corporate positions.
- People who want to work with a coach any of these aspects:
- The changing expectations of employers and employees.
- Market trends.
- Values of loyalty and security.
- Specific evaluation criteria for companies.
- Career and future satisfaction
- Start a new business.
- Change profession.